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All Viessmann products

The group «New Technologies» offers products from the plant Viessmann: liquid fuel, gas and solid fuel boilers, heat pumps, solar collectors, heat exchangers, capacitive water heaters, ventilation systems, cogeneration plants, controllers and communication facilities
  • Gas boilers up to 140 kW Viessmann
    Gas boilers up to 140 kW
    Vitopend 100-W, Vitogas 100-F, etc.
  • Gas boilers, 150 kW Viessmann
    Gas boilers, 150 kW
    Condensation: Vitodens, etc.
  • Gas boilers, 1400 kW Viessmann
    Gas boilers, 1400 kW
    Condensation: Vitocrossal, etc.
  • Electric boilers Viessmann
    Electric boilers
    Vitotron 100, etc.
  • Solid fuel boilers, 80 kW Viessmann
    Solid fuel boilers, 80 kW
    Vitoligno 100-S, etc.
  • Liquid fuel boilers, 63 kW Viessmann
    Liquid fuel boilers, 63 kW
    Vitorond 100, Vitola 200, etc.
  • Liquid fuel boilers, 26 MW Viessmann
    Liquid fuel boilers, 26 MW
    Vitomax 100-LW, etc.
  • On liquid fuel/gas,2000 kW Viessmann
    On liquid fuel/gas,2000 kW
    Vitoplex 100, Vitoplex 200, etc.
  • Liquid fuel boilers Viessmann
    Liquid fuel boilers
    Condensing: Vitorondens, etc
  • Cogeneration plants Viessmann
    Cogeneration plants
    Vitobloc 200, etc.
  • Ventilation systems Viessmann
    Ventilation systems
    Vitovent 300, Vitovent 300-W, etc.
  • Capacitive water heaters Viessmann
    Capacitive water heaters
    Vitocell 100-H, Vitocell 100-V, etc.
  • Heat exchangers Viessmann
    Heat exchangers
    Vitotrans 100, Vitotrans 200, etc.
  • Heat pumps Viessmann
    Heat pumps
    Vitocal 200-G, Vitocal 222-G, etc.
  • Solar collectors Viessmann
    Solar collectors
    Vitosol 100-F, Vitosol 200-T, etc.
  • Solar kits for hot water Viessmann
    Solar kits for hot water
    Vitosol 141-FM, etc.
  • Controllers Viessmann
    Vitotronic, Vitosolic, etc.
  • Burners for boilers Viessmann
    Burners for boilers
    Vitoflame 200 , etc.
  • Water treatment systems, filters Viessmann
    Water treatment systems, filters
    Aquahome 17-N, etc.
  • Communication and automation Viessmann
    Communication and automation
    Vitocom 100, Vitocom 100 LAN1, etc.
  • Heat carriers Viessmann
    Heat carriers
    Antifrogen L, Antifrogen N, etc.
  • Boiler cleaning products Viessmann
    Boiler cleaning products
    Fauch 200, Fauch 300, etc.


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